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Tabletree is a fruit processing/juice company on the beautiful Flathead Lake in Northwestern Montana.  We work with the Flathead Lake Cherry Growers and other fruit growers to process our award-winning juices and other products on Finley Point from quality fruit. 


Long before our move to Montana from Canada in 2015, we were cherry growers. In fact, we are third-generation fruit growers (Tabletree Farms) who farmed 45 acres of cherries and other fruit  in Creston, B.C. The year 2010 marked Susan's family’s 100th anniversary of growing fruit in the Creston Valley for which the Truscotts received a "Century Farm Award" in 2012 from the B.C. Minister of Agriculture. 

Anticipating the decline of the fresh market, we began researching value-added opportunities for our fruit and invented and designed a proprietary juice extraction machine. A huge loss in the fresh market in 2009, coupled with tremendous rain storms that left 200,000 pounds of split fruit on the trees, catapulted our need to commercialize our juice business. As a result, we have now been selling our products since 2010.

It was also in 2010 that we formed a corporation, Tabletree Enterprises Limited, to participate in The Commercialization of Agriculture Technology Competition (CAT) through the B.C. Innovation Council. We won 2nd place for designing and inventing the equipment, developing the process for juicing that was new to the juicing industry, and bringing our product into the marketplace. 

On September 21, 2012, we were informed that Tabletree Black Cherry Juice was short-listed for the World Juice Award “Best Pure Juice”, and on October 16th, Tabletree won this prestigious award in Barcelona, Spain at the World Juice Conference. The event truly was the “World of Juice", having hosted 350 top company juice executives from 55 different countries. Once again our juices were recognized on the world stage, and on October 3, 2013, Tabletree’s Red Apple Juice won 2nd place in the category “Best New Nectar or Juice” at the World Juice Conference, which was held in Cologne, Germany. This was such an exciting time for Tabletree! 

Soon thereafter, we met an anti-inflammatory specialist, Dr. Patrick Dutartre at UBC in Vancouver (now retired CEO of Cohiro Biotechnology, which was a research company located at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France). He tested our juice as an anti-inflammatory. His final analysis: "There are very few compounds that will stop or inhibit inflammation without damaging the cell that it is trying to protect, and your juice is one of those compounds."

Our process is unique to the juicing industry. When people taste our products, they are amazed by the quality and delighted by the elegance of our packaging. There are no added preservatives or artificial ingredients in our products - only a touch of honey and a dash of cinnamon used purely as natural preservatives, not for added flavor or sweetening. Our juice is shelf stable for over 36 months; however, we have held juice over for several years beyond that, and it is just as wonderful.


More About Our Roots

The whole family story behind Tabletree Juice starts with Snow's Grape Juice and gets even more interesting from there. Click below to get more insight behind the story of where we come from.


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People First

Because of the rural location of Tabletree’s manufacturing plant, hiring and staff retention can be challenging. However, we have had the good fortune of maintaining the core of our loyal, hardworking employees since 2016. We are committed to continued appreciation of our workers, which stems from years of working with our transient pickers in Canada.

We continue to value our operations team by working as much as we can around their schedules because we realize there is life outside of our building. Employee opinions and suggestions at every level regarding our day-to-day operations not only increases work ethic but tremendously benefits Tabletree. We are pretty much a “people-first” business because we know there would be no business without them!




Gary Snow


Gary, husband to Susan, oversees day-to- day operations at Tabletree, as well as Shipping & Production.

Susan Pic at Pickles

Susan Snow

Owner/Chief Operating Officer

Susan, wife of Gary, handles the majority of Tabletree's Marketing, Public Relations, Human Resources, and Media Direction.


Micah Snow

Vice President

Micah, son of Gary & Susan, leads efforts on the Communications & Human Resources for the Tabletree business.


David Griffith

Production Operations Manager

Margaret Griffith

Quality Control Manager


CALL US: (406) 982-3042


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